Edward Matthews is a Ph.D. in Creative Writing candidate at Swansea University who writes stories about how borders change the identities of those who encounter them. You can find him on Twitter @eddiematthews22.
Posts By This Author
South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission 20 Years Later

Image via Martha de Jong-Lantink/Flickr
In the years since, the predominant narrative of the TRC making great strides to heal apartheid has been re-examined. In focus group interviews with victims, analysis of the victims’ transcripts, and amnesty hearings, University of Connecticut researcher Audrey Chapman found a disparity between the goals of the TRC and of the South African people.
A History of Broken Rhetoric on Immigration
While the INS’s mission was primarily to maintain control of the border and monitor immigration, the CBP’s mission aims to “safeguard America's borders thereby protecting the public from dangerous people”. The shift in mission from INS to CBP reflects an emphasis on anti-terrorism rather than immigration management.