The debt crisis on the minds of most Americans these days is the trade imbalance between the United States and Japan. The U.S. debt crisis is born from an almost immediate turnover of American dollars to Japanese corporations when Americans buy Toyota cars, Sony tapedecks, or Nikon cameras. Many American dollars only get one turnaround in U.S. commercial markets.
But white America has done just the same thing to black America. According to Tony Brown, syndicated columnist and TV talk-show host, while most ethnic groups turn money over within their communities five to 12 times, post-integration America sees blacks turning their money intracommunity less than one time. And just as Americans see their fears rise as the debt does, white Americans need to understand that African Americans are watching that same financial drain on their communities. Integration has made the economic indebtedness and dependency even greater.
Twenty-five years have passed since the last great legislative civil rights victory -- the Voting Rights Amendment, which was debated in Congress in June 1965 and signed into law on August 6, 1965. With the passage of time, we have the opportunity to look back at what integration has meant.
POPULAR CULTURE -- WHETHER YOU like it or not -- is a window to the soul of our society. By submerging ourselves in the symbols that define realities for our culture, we are sometimes able to re-examine and re-evaluate what we have thought essential.
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