THE ARTICLE ON discipleship ("A Dangerous Discipleship," by Joan D. Chittister, OSB) was good, but why do we think so small? The four things that jump out of the gospels concerning women are seminary ("Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her."), the spreading of the gospel (the woman at the well and Magdalene at the tomb), the anointing ("For she has done a beautiful thing to me....what she has done will be told in memory of her."), and the witnessing of the crucifixion (the sacrifice). This "body" of Christ that the church proclaims itself to be is starving for the feminine to complement it. It needs to place its daughters as "bishops," not deacons and not priests. If women were to be placed as bishops, we would move 10 giant steps closer to that vision Jesus had for his beloved family here on earth.
Sharon Brisnehan
Denver, Colorado
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