26: St. Stephen's Day: Give to the poor all that you don't need.
27: Go crèche visiting! (Take homemade cookies as a small gift.)
28: Feast of the Holy Innocents: Hold an anti-globalization candlelight vigil.
29: Send Christmas cards to prisoners.
30: Take narcissus bulbs in a forcing bowl to someone sick or shut-in.
31: Celebrate the closing feast of Kwanzaa with music and dancing.
1: Work on a family history project. Tell family stories.
2: Go Christmas caroling to a place in need of song.
3: Plan your sabbath times for the year ahead-retreats, vacation, reunions.
4: Read poetry and play with watercolors.
5: Look for the Nativity star. What are your dreams for the coming year?
Epiphany: Open your home to guests. Share Three Kings cake.
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