Mujerista may not be a familiar term yet, but theologians and others are starting to pay more attention to the voices of Latinas in this country and elsewhere (Can you say "shifting demographics"?). "Mujerista theology is emerging as a major expression of feminist theology from the context of the lived experience of Hispanic women in North America," theologian Rosemary Radford Ruether told a recent gathering at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary.
Dr. Ada María Isasi-Díaz, a leading mujerista theologian, was honored this fall at the conference on "Mujerista Theology and Church Leadership in the New Millennium." Also noted were Dr. David Maldonado of Iliff School of Theology, the first Latino president of a United Methodist seminary, and Raquel Martínez, the editor of a new Spanish version of the United Methodist hymnal.
Note to self: Learn more Spanish than "Yo quiero Taco Bell."
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