U.S. society is bombarded with books and publications honoring war heroes. The War Resisters League 1996 peace calendar, "Nothing But the Truth," serves as a reminder that history must continue to produce nonviolent heroes as well. This peace calendar of photos and commentaries about nonviolent activists is educational and renews the daily struggle for peace.
The calendar features excerpts from courtroom statements by Anne Hutchinson, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Gulf war protester Susan Griesen, César Chávez, Susan B. Anthony, Nelson Mandela, and many other war resisters and people of conscience.
The War Resisters League calendar/datebook contains more than 50 black-and-white photos and graphics, and includes important historical dates and listings of hundreds of activist groups and U.S. and international publications. Calendars are $12 each or four for $44. New York State residents add 8.5 percent sales tax. For orders outside the United States, add $1.10 postage per calendar. War Resisters League, 339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012; (212) 228-0450. Subscriptions to WRL's bimonthly magazine, the Nonviolent Activist, can also be ordered for $15 a year.
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