Employment Opportunities
Champ House, a community in Cape Cod, Mass., for almost or formerly homeless young men, seeks a live-in community builder. Position offers room, board, and small stipend. Send résumé and letter to Paul@champhouse.org.
L'Arche Washington, D.C., invites people to practice peacemaking by sharing a daily life of work, prayer, and holy leisure in an interdenominational Christian community of people with and without developmental disabilities. Position offers room, board, stipend, insurance, spiritual formation, and professional training. Visit http://www.larchewashingtondc.org or contact Don Kelly, (202) 232-4539 ext. 11.
Volunteer Opportunities
World Hunger Relief Inc., a Christian ministry near Waco, Texas, seeks interns to learn sustainable, natural agricultural techniques in order to help alleviate poverty around the world. Read more about the program at http://www.worldhungerrelief.org and send inquiries to: World Hunger Relief Inc., PO Box 639, Elm Mott, TX 76640.
The Fellowship of Reconciliation seeks applicants committed to nonviolence and justice for four yearlong Ruth S. and Harrop A. Freeman Peace Interns. Possible duties involve media outreach, national and local organizing, and leading workshops. Interns receive room, medical insurance, and stipend; application deadline is late March and start date is in the fall. Contact Yvonne Royster, FOR@forusa.org; (845) 358-4601, ext. 37.
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