Tibetan Aid Project
The Chinese government has sought to destroy the sovereign nation of Tibet and to wipe out its culture, including capturing or forcing into exile Tibet's spiritual leaders. Founded 25 years ago to provide emergency relief to Tibetan refugees exiled in India and Nepal, the Tibetan Aid Project (TAP) also helps restore and preserve the Tibetan culture.
General assistance includes restoring monasteries and schools and sponsoring community, medical, and educational projects, and the preservation of art, literature, and ritual objects, including Buddhist texts and art reproductions. The project also supports Tibetan religious leaders.
Products for sale to support the project include Jataka Tales for children, TAP videos, books on Tibetan refugees and history, and Tibetan cards and calendars. The Tibetan Aid Project also has a program for the monthly sponsorship of monks or nuns. Contact TAP at 2910 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, CA 94702; 1-800-33-TIBET.
Manufacturing Consent
According to linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky, society sees the media as setting the boundaries of progressive and radical thinking and rarely works outside of those boundaries.
The 166-minute video package Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media reflects on the life of Chomsky as it relates to his critique of the role of the press within U.S. society. Chomsky names the corporate press agencies that set media standards and dominate smaller press through news wires and money. His commentary and life work challenges viewers to question societal structures and our perception of freedom and democracy.
Manufacturing Consent is available for $46.90 (includes shipping and handling) from Zeitgeist Productions, 1-800-343-5540.
Against Forgetting
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