I WANT TO celebrate with you your 25th anniversary ("Celebrating 25 Years," November-December 1996). I have been a loyal friend and subscriber for nearly that long. You have been my mentor, friend, and supporter in the struggles for peace and justice, as I too have matured in my ministry and mission advocacy.
You really came through for myself and my family when we lived and worked in Costa Rica for a Christian education and community development NGO. You confirmed and advocated concerning the abominable U.S. policy of war against the poor in Central and South America, as we witnessed the wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador, the massacres in Guatemala, and the undermining of Costa Rica's democracy and neutrality by the "world's greatest democracy" to the north.
The magazine issue that stands out during that period was the one concerning the link between ideological wars from U.S. foreign policy and the so-called evangelical campaigns of the Religious Right, especially Pat Robertson's organization. You were the window of revelation for the millions of North Americans who would never have the opportunity to see the actions of our criminal U.S. policy in the region.
And even as Contragate has long been filed away and most North Americans put these events out of their quick-paced minds (been there, done that), you, Sojourners come back again and again to these issues, just to remind us that "justice delayed is justice denied." Thank you.
I also trace my theological and spiritual development to you, as you have invited the profound and sensitive contributors to grace your pages with their wisdom and wit. I first heard of William Stringfellow and Henri Nouwen in your pages. How we now miss them both, and many others.