I WAS GLAD TO SEE "The Worst Nuclear Plants in the Country," in your September-October 1993 issue ("Between The Lines," by Jim Rice).
I became attracted to Sojourners in the days when you crusaded regularly against the insanity of U.S. nuclear weapons production and strategy. I applauded your consistent, relentless exposure of this great folly.
The end of the Cold War seemed to undercut this dedication and Sojourners since has appeared lost for a big cause to espouse. Perhaps you quit the fight too soon, given that the U.S. nuclear program continues to roll right along, both military and civilian, and to be funded at a cost of billions, with taxpayers to be saddled with the expenditure of more billions in the future.
One example: The terrible mess leading to the closing of the Rocky Flats plant is now to be visited upon Pantex and the people of the Amarillo area, who are becoming aroused in opposition. Another is that the government is trying through money bribes to seduce poor Indian tribes in Oklahoma and elsewhere to accept nuclear wastes on their lands.
Talk about despoiling the environment! Issues like recycling, clean water, save-the-trees, etc. all rolled together don't equal the threat to humanity of piling up radioactive material that can't be neutralized or kept harmless but remains deadly for up to 10,000 years.
We need your leadership again on this life-and-death issue.
David Craighead
Midwest City, Oklahoma
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