DANNY DUNCAN COLLUM'S article, "To the River Together" (July-August 2000) about his Springsteen concert experience with his young son was marvelous! Seeing an article about Bruce in this publication reaffirmed my conviction of Springsteen's Whitman-like talent to see, feel, and convey everyday American experiences in a way that truly crosses age and socio-economic lines.
I enjoyed the Charlotte concert with two of my cronies (50s) and my about-to-graduate-law-school daughter. Like Duncan Collum, we all equally applauded the amazing talent we had witnessed. Like Christopher, I had fairly recently become obsessed with the music and the message; however, I was in my 40s when I made the Bruce discovery. Although I am not really into rock music, something about his energy and his ability to convey universal messages through specific examples always makes me stop to listen.
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