We've "renovated" [our print version] and you're invited to check out every nook and cranny. We are excited about the colorful new presentation, fresh layout, and debut offerings. Jim Wallis will tell you more in "Hearts & Minds."
Our look has changed throughout our 30-year history. What doesn't change is that Sojourners is as much shaped by human relationships as by computers and printing presses. Some of these connections are far-flung. So it was a rare treat last September when we were able to host contributing editor Karl Caspar. Since he lives in the Philippines, most of us had never met the man, though we knew his name and his work.
What an inspiring delight! Karl is his own opening band, cartographer, political scientist, and teacher, He led a group assembled in the Sojourners library in song, then taught us (on a map he'd drawn) about the geography, peoples, and struggles of the Philippines.
Then (like most lecturers?) he finished with a dance, As part of his mission work, Karl has familiarized himself with the songs and dances of many Filipino peoples. So he slipped behind a partition, re-emerged in costume, and gave us a rendition of a sinuous dance from one of the Philippines' smaller islands. We can't bring you his dance, but you can learn more about him and his work in the interview inside.
Finally, a hearty thanks to the Lilly Endowment and the Henry Luce Foundation whose support helped make possible all the changes you'll find within. -The Editors
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