Spiritual Classics: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups on the Twelve Spiritual Disciplines, edited by Richard Foster. The new church is moving from the sin-management model of the last millennium to a deeply rooted discipleship model for the next. This is the study book of Christian disciplines to get you there (HarperSanFrancisco).
The Church as Counterculture, edited by Michael Budde and Robert Brimlow. Essays from Hauerwas, Brueggemann, Sawicki, and others debate Christian identity, purpose, and organization in a call for churches to reclaim their roles as "communities of disciples" (State University of New York Press).
Job: And Death No Dominion, by Daniel Berrigan. The world is not getting prettier, but we may be moving closer to the heart of God. As Berrigan reveals, Job embodies our human struggle to understand, shows us the way to protest effectively, and ignites our religious imaginations (Sheed & Ward).
Christianity: A Global History, by David Chidester. Everything you want to know about the history of Christianity, but didnt think you could handle at one time. From its basic roots in Judaism to Constantines Christian Empire, from the Renaissance and Reformation to the New World Order, Chidester packages it in an informative and easy-to-read book (HarperSanFrancisco).
Exploring Christian Spirituality: An Ecumenical Reader, edited by Kenneth Collins. "Spirituality" isnt just for Catholics anymore. What Chidester does for the Christian mind, Collins does for the Christian heart. The book covers spiritualities in the Christian tradition, spirituality and theology, and spirituality and scripture, among other topics (Baker).
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