Posts By This Author

An Open Letter To Kim Dae Jung

by Jim Stentzel 11-01-1980

Kim Dae Jung, the leader of opposition to two south Korean dictators--first Park Chung Hee and now Chun Doo Hwan--has been sentenced to death by hanging.

No-Mercy Killing

by Jim Stentzel 07-01-1979

Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all ... Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:17, 21)

Good Friday Is Part of Holy Week, Too

by Jim Stentzel 03-01-1978

"If I had been a journalist at the time of the crucifixion, I would have been hanging around Herod's palace talking to Pilate and disregarding [Jesus]."

Interview with Reverend Park Hyung Gyu

by Jim Stentzel 04-01-1977

Light in the dungeons.

The Anti-Communist Captivity of the Church

by Jim Stentzel 04-01-1977

Peddling a rabid half-gospel in south Korea.

Persecution in Korea

by Jim Stentzel 05-01-1976

“In such critical moments, our church knows instinctively its priestly and prophetic role,” said a south Korean church official to a visiting U.S. church delegation last month.