Suffer the Children
Hope for Children in Poverty, edited by Ron Sider and Heidi Unruh, offers biblical reflection and basic facts about children who live in poverty, and the ensuing physical, emotional, and mental tolls. Profiles of ministries and organizations serving kids are especially helpful, as are interviews, artwork, and poetry from children. “Your pity is not needed, but your understanding, yes,” writes 16-year-old Maria in her poem, “In the Homeless Hotel.” Judson Press
‘Let Them Come to Me’
The Light of the World: The Life of Jesus for Children, by Katherine Paterson. Beginning with a young woman named Mary, Paterson tells the story of “light coming into the world.” Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection are accompanied by Francois Roca’s beautiful illustrations. Paterson, author of Bridge to Terabithia and other books, brings a graceful simplicity to this familiar story. Arthur Levine Books
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Sister Dorothy Stang followed a call to ministry with Brazilian farmers in the Amazon who were struggling against land-grabbing developers. Two hired guns ended her life in 2005. Martyr of the Amazon, by Roseanne Murphy, tells Stang’s story, from her childhood in Ohio to her lifelong struggle for the rights of the poor, and of her appreciation and commitment to God’s creation. Orbis
High-Tech Bible Study
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