A Basis for Peace
The Tent of Abraham, by Arthur Waskow, Joan Chittister, and Saadi Shakur Chishti, tells the story of Abraham’s journey in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions. We can interpret the stories as grounds for war—evidence of which is abundant—or, the authors argue, as grounds for peace. The book concludes with resources for peacemaking, including how to pitch your own Abrahamic tent—one that, like Abraham’s, is open and welcoming. Beacon Press
You Do What?
How Can a Christian Be in Politics? A Guide toward Faithful Politics, by Roy Herron, is a compact primer on all the basics: what does the Bible say about politics, and how do Christians keep from compromising their principles when they’re in office? How should we evaluate public policies? As a former minister and current state senator in Tennessee, Herron has walked both sides and lived to tell his story—which he does with flair and humor. Tyndale
Musical Oases
Eastern Mennonite University music professor Kenneth Nafziger directs the Journey Musicians through “Just As I Am,” “Rain Down,” and 16 other hymnic beauties collected on Sing the Journey. Most of the tunes—of Tanzanian, Irish, English, and Cheyenne origin, among others—are sung a cappella. Others are accompanied by rollicking piano and percussion. www.heraldpress.com
Word Made Flesh
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