I have seen that I must
Confess to ignorance
I do not know you, although
I have loved you twenty years
The lifting of your lashes
From your cheek
The drawing back by your hand
A lock of your hair
But fully you? I have not seen you
Except through those windows
The green shades surrounding them
The radiant darkness behind them
Press your fingers
Around my arm again
Let’s walk, far, long
Tracking through wilderness
You are world enough to explore
For another twenty hundred years
For an army of scientists
Whom I will not invite
But for me, your husband lover,
For all your friends
A clear night sky tells us
In small script your large mystery
You are a bright ground for play
Even a temple where God walks
I have glimpsed his immensities
Kevin Hadduck lives and works in
McPherson, Kansas.
Confess to ignorance
I do not know you, although
I have loved you twenty years
The lifting of your lashes
From your cheek
The drawing back by your hand
A lock of your hair
But fully you? I have not seen you
Except through those windows
The green shades surrounding them
The radiant darkness behind them
Press your fingers
Around my arm again
Let’s walk, far, long
Tracking through wilderness
You are world enough to explore
For another twenty hundred years
For an army of scientists
Whom I will not invite
But for me, your husband lover,
For all your friends
A clear night sky tells us
In small script your large mystery
You are a bright ground for play
Even a temple where God walks
I have glimpsed his immensities
Kevin Hadduck lives and works in
McPherson, Kansas.
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