Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: Best of Jan. 2012 - Aug 2012 (Part II) | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: Best of Jan. 2012 - Aug 2012 (Part II)

Today is my last run of "Links of Awesomeness." And rather than ending with a mediocre list of new links, I went through the archives to compile some of my favorites from this year. Enjoy the links and expect a fresh new batch from the next intern in early September.

“Men throwing Rocks with the Other Hand.” If the awkwardness of these throwers doesn’t bring a smile, perhaps the slow-motion frames and French music will help. [The High Definite]

There’s a new app out for the SAX MAN. And in case you’re not familiar, the sax man is a traveling phenomenon who takes his classic “mullet and leather pants” look into various public locations, playing a George Michael tune to the enjoyment (and resentment) of many. [Saxagrams]

This week Conan takes his late night show to Chicago, and in a city known for its blues music, Conan takes it upon himself to sharing this art with first grade children. Take a look at the blues songs they create together, where the kids provide inspiration with what annoys them. [Team Coco]

Melvin the Traveling Mini Machine is an elaborate way of sending postcards. Using two suitcases equipped with complex Rube Goldberg machines, the creative minds at Hey Hey Hey deliver one engaging video. [Core77]   

Aussie grandma performs The Black Keys on spoons. Deb ‘Spoons’ Perry shows some peppy enthusiasm for the chart-topping tune “Lonely Boy” out in the Australian countryside. [Paste]

Comedian and occasional Daily Show contributor John Hodgman gets a little sentimental with rock musician Jonathan Coulton in their duet, “Tonight You Belong to Me.”

Look out David Attenborough, there’s a fleet of adorable children after your job as narrator of the BBC’s Planet Earth. Take a listen to their narration, sound effects, and attempts to pronounce David’s last name. [Bing Boing]  

James “Sugar Boots” Franklin was the first boombox-carrying rollerskater to be elected to Congress in the early '80s, and with his presence he brought the issues and concerns of boombox-skaters into the limelight, forever transforming the way the nation understands them. Now he is remembered for his legacy. [The Onion]

Take a listen to this cover of Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” performed on a Chinese instrument from the zither family, known as a Guzheng. [The Awesomer]

The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland, that is, the 1890s. Fred and Carrie travel back to a contact lens-less, homebrew enthusiast time period. [Portlandia]

Brooklyn based musicians Miracles of Modern Science perform an a capella mashup of Bon Iver + Bon Jovi, or Bon Joviver. [Prefix]

Will Ferrell spent some time in the Midwest filming a batch of hilarious, unscripted homemade commercials for Old Milwaukee beer. [via Laughing Squid]

See batch 1 HERE.

Joshua Witchger is a former online assistant at Sojourners.