Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: In Their Own Words | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: In Their Own Words

Artists are telling it in their own words: through the airwaves, written on paper, on physical walls, etc. Our Friday links feature some notable creatives, new and old, expressing their craft at its finest. Fred Armisen -- The Burning House project -- Wes Anderson's music supervisor -- Banksy -- Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and more! 

Foster Huntington, founder of The Burning House, talks with Storyboard about the creation of his project to document what people value, by proposing the question “what would you save if your house caught fire?” [Storyboard]

Fred Armisen – of SNL and Portlandiachats with The Believer magazine about the inspiration of film director John Waters. [Believer Mag]

Ever wonder how Wes Anderson films create the perfect soundtracks to accompany the plight of the characters and the drive of the plot? Randall Poster, the music supervisor behind Anderson’s many films, talks with Fresh Air’s Terry Gross about the process. [NPR]  

This week, Banksy introduced new pieces of street art and indoor wall pieces to his website. Check out his site for the latest.   

Get your summer reading list started with NPR’s recommendations from indie booksellers. [NPR]

Today the third installment of the Men in Black series hits theaters. Listen to director Barry Sonnenfeld discuss the iconic American series with Studio 360’s Kurt Anderson. [Studio 360]

Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros new album, Here, releases next week. Listen to it in its entirety here, and begin the good vibes of the weekend with their toe-tappin’ anthems, “Home,” and the lead track from their forthcoming album, "Man of Fire."


Have a great three day weekend!

Joshua Witchger is an online assistant at Sojourners.