The Alpha and Omega
Revelation is perhaps the most abused book of the Bible, often used by conspiracy theorists and imperial-minded governments as a divine handbook for how the world will end. In A History of the End of the World, journalist Jonathan Kirsch looks at the fascinating ways this Bible bookend has influenced civilization, from the apocalyptic literature of John’s time to the present moment. Substantial and well-written. HarperSanFrancisco
Inner Nonviolence
In Personal Nonviolence: A Practical Spirituality for Peacemakers, Gerard Vanderhaar marries the personal and the political by approaching peacemaking from the foundation up—that is, focusing on a spirituality of nonviolence. In a warm and conversational style, Vanderhaar asks what interior stability will we rely on as we resist and challenge the principalities and powers, and points to the life of Jesus. A good introduction to nonviolent living.
The Social Entrepreneurship Series, produced by Ashoka’s Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship, focuses on visionaries with ideas that have made a positive and effective global impact on social ills such as poverty and corruption. The 16-program DVD series includes interviews with Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank, Peter Eigen, founder of Transparency International, and Alice Tepper Marlin, founder of Social Accountability International.
Rainbow Economics
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