The Detroit-based monthly newsletter Labor Notes has emerged as the networking center for the labor reform movement. Under the slogan "Let's put the movement back in the labor movement!" Labor Notes carries news of what's best and what's worst in the unions and this year sponsored a school on how to fight for union democracy (some called it "reform school"). A biannual conference draws around 1,200 readers to workshops where they share face to face what they've learned in their own struggles. The Association for Union Democracy also puts on workshops designed to help budding reformers avoid the pitfalls set by intransigent incumbents.
Labor Notes can be reached at 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210; 313-842-6262; Ask for a free sample copy. The Association for Union Democracy is at 500 State St., Brooklyn, NY 11217; Teamsters for a Democratic Union is at P.O. Box 10128, Detroit, MI 48210; JS
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