- Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), 548 S. Spring St., Suite 630, Los Angeles, CA 90013; (213) 486-9880; CLUELA @Earthlink.net. CLUE, working with the Southern California Ecumenical Council, has developed a principle for Religious Institutions and the Living Wage. It calls on religious institutions to pay all of their employeesincluding full-time, part-time, or contracteesa "living wage" and urges regional and religious bodies to help their constituent members implement this through administrative training, religious education, and financial planning. (See also pages 34-36.)
- Farm Labor Organizing Committee, 1221 Broadway St., Toledo, OH 43609; (419) 244-1265; fax: (419) 243-5665. FLOC focuses on improving work and living conditions for farmers and former farm workers as well as developing just compensation for work through self-organization, public actions, collective bargaining, and advocacy. FLOC encourages legislation for those who are excluded from labor legislation. (See also pages 42-43.)
- Highlander Research and Education Center , 1959 Highlander Way, New Market, TN 37820; (423) 933-3443. Highlander is a private, non-profit popular education center with a unique program of assisting activists and communities that seek solutions to pressing social problems. In conjunction with Jobs With Justice, Highlander recently hosted "Building a More Powerful Movement for Social Justice: Labor-Community-Religious Coalitions," a training focused on the right to organize and rank-and-file activism within the context of building coalitions with the religious community.
- Jobs With Justice : A Campaign for Worker's Rights, 501 Third St. NW, Washington, DC 20001-2797; (202) 434-1106. Founded in 1986, Jobs With Justice is a
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