A basic principle of organizing is that a group of people with a common purpose can accomplish more than a single individual. Every issue of Sojourners is the fruit of that principle in action-editors, writers, the people we cover-all contribute to the whole. So while assistant editor Julie Polter was charged (actually, she volunteered-a decision she occasionally had doubts about) with coordinating this special issue on the church and labor, it was the work of many good hands and minds. Special recognition should go to staff people Kristin Brennan and Bob Hulteen. Kristin, editorial assistant intern, was a stellar writer and researcher for this issue, and-always the bigger challenge-she kept Julie sane at many a stressful moment. Bob, associate editor, was a vital adviser from the planning stage through deadline-his knowledge of populist history, his on-the-ground participation in church and labor work in the Twin Cities, and his openness to late-night work calls were especially helpful. We also appreciate the many organizers, pastors, and labor folks, too numerous to mention here, who gave suggestions, sent materials, shared their knowledge and experience, and pointed us toward sources, church-labor projects, and writers. Finally, we extend our thanks and gratitude to the Arca Foundation, whose support made this special issue possible.
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