AFTER READING THE excellent article "Faithful to the Word," by William Stringfellow, I found recognizable Christian theology on the pages of my Sojourners. Tragically, the preponderance of Sojourners emerging theology is a self-congratulatory zeal for new ways, not a confirmation of that good, old, and true way known as orthodox Christianity.
Stringfellows theology centers on Christ: Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Eureka!
The just disclaimer of the "darkness visible" should be used to identify all paradigms that deny this world is a fallen world awaiting Christs final judgement. Sojourners would do well to ponder why non-Christian moralists (Gandhi, Samuel Clemens, etc.) are so lavishly celebrated on your pages when they are unfaithful to the Word of God, Christ Jesus.
I wonder how many of your readers have believed Stringfellows good report or made his discovery? How many readers continue to collect and to identify themselves under their proud banners of liberalism, pantheism, homosexuality, feminism, and so on?
Christianity is not the religion of theological triflers. Staying faithful to the Word is the Christians moral imperative. On the Last Day, the pronouncements of Christ will be all that matters.
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