Plain and Simple
When was the last time you read a magazine printed with hand-set type and original woodcuts on a hand-fed, solar-powered antique press? Plain magazine is a publication of The Center for Plain Living, a group of mostly Quaker and Anabaptist believers and others interested in the beauty and joy of an unplugged life. Its essays on simple, low-tech, and Spirit-filled living encourage the reader to "take just one courageous step back from the downhill plunge of modern life," in the words of its editor, Scott Savage. Subscriptions are $18 a year, payable to Plain, 60805 Pigeon Point, Barnesville, OH 43713. A collection of issues is available in The Plain Reader, available for $12.95 from Ballantine Books.
Checking Our Eco-pulse
Vital Signs 2000: The Environmental Trends that are Shaping Our Future analyzes the relationship between environmental degradation and inequalities of wealth, power, and opportunities throughout the world. While Vital Signs identifies some positive trends, co-author Michael Renner cautions, "All too often we are only slowing destructive trends, rather than reversing them. If we are going to build a more environmentally stable, healthy, and equitable society, we need to massively scale up our efforts." Contact: Worldwatch Institute, 1776 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036; (202) 452-1999; Much of the information in Vital Signs is also available on the Web at
Women of the World Unite!
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