Election seasons present difficult decisions for Christians. We're unlikely to agree with any candidate on every issuehow do we discern which candidates come closest to sharing our vision?
The biblical imperative to overcome poverty calls us to care for the widow and orphan, to welcome the stranger, and to act in justice and compassion for those who are poor. Seeking God's help, we begin with our own commitment. However, we can not accomplish this goal by ourselves. Government at all levelslocal, state, and federalhas an important role in developing, promoting, and implementing public policies that can help to overcome poverty.
Call to Renewal's Campaign to Overcome Poverty identifies seven specific goals for a good society. We are not committed to any particular ideological method or partisan agenda to achieve these goals, only that they be achieved. Accomplishing these goals will require the development and implementation of specific policies. Candidates for office will have views on different policy objectives, but do they share our concern that the seven objectives be achieved?
Call to Renewal invites you to use the questions listed under each of our societal goals to determine which candidates' views are closest to your own.
A good society should achieve:
1) A living family income for all who responsibly work. Statistics show that most poor people work, often more than one job. How will you help those who work, but are still poor, to rise from poverty? Over the past decade, workers at the bottom of the economic ladder have seen their incomes decline. How will you address this problem?
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