Coffee for a Cause
Tired of corporate foot-dragging on codes of conduct by coffee industry "stars"? Take your "bucks" to coffee suppliers that respect their growers and the earth and support Christian ministry. Pura Vida Coffee boasts gourmet beans grown in Costa Rica’s famed Tarraz· region mainly by small, family-owned farms that promote organic fertilizers and recycle coffee byproducts. Suppliers pay fair wages, meet Ministry of Labor standards, and provide free housing for harvesters. All profits support ministries in Costa Rica that provide clothing and food to street children, housing for those recovering from addiction, and adult job-training programs. A one-pound bag costs $8.95, with bulk and fund-raising discounts available. Visit for more information or call 1-888-577-4JOY.
Exploring America’s Wealth Gap
Shifting Fortunes: The Perils of the Growing American Wealth Gap is a concise, facts-and-figures-filled report from United for a Fair Economy that explodes the myths of our "booming" economy. Already a valuable resource for journalists, elected officials, and concerned citizens, its 94 pages discuss the wage gap, cost of living, debt traps, racial issues, and possible solutions. Cost is $6.95 plus $2 postage with bulk discounts available. Contact United for a Fair Economy, 37 Temple Place, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02111; 1-877-564-6833; excerpts at
Frank Discussion About You-Know-What
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