I READ DUANE Shank's commentary in the September-October 1997 Sojourners and my feeling is that it is a balanced, fair presentation that raises honest issues and points in a direction that would allow Promise Keepers to be a potent force for good.
While I certainly am an ardent believer in the rights of women, [and have] gotten vigorously engaged in women's issues in the past, I do not see anything inherently wrong with same-sex gatherings for men or for women if their agendas do not seek to put the other sex "in their place." It is only when such gatherings, either of men or women, aim at somehow reducing the personhood of the other sex that I believe such gatherings should be suspect. It is my earnest hope and prayer that Promise Keepers can somehow achieve the goal of making life better for all people without anyone having to serve in a subservient position.
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