During the early '70s, some of the people involved with the founding of Sojourners Community and magazine went on a road trip from Chicago (where the group was based at that point) to Washington, D.C. Mary and Gordon Cosby, co-founders and pastors of the Church of the Saviour, may not have been the most powerful people (as the world defines such things) that the people from Sojourners met during this visit. But they may have had the most lasting impact. After a few more road trips, including retreats with Gordon, Mary, and other Church of the Saviour members, Sojourners Community and magazine decided to move to Washington. Having as neighbors Gordon and Mary and the ministries they helped form definitely encouraged that decision. More than 20 years later, Sojourners staff and members continue to draw strength, wisdom, and inspiration from the Cosbys and the many faith communities and ministries that sprang from the Church of the Saviour. It's an honor and a delight to have Gordon and Mary telling some of their story-and their dreams for the future-in our pages. In this season when we await the Light, it is in such stories of what has gone before and dreams of what is yet to be that we catch sustaining glimpses of the gift of incarnation: God-with-us.
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