Re: “Men Behaving Badly” (by Jim Wallis, August 2011): I recall the story of King David and Bathsheba. David’s lust led to the murder of Bathsheba’s husband, yet David was described as “a man after God’s heart.” He did, of course, eventually repent after being confronted, and also suffered consequences. What he did was worse than what any of the men you mentioned did. In the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, it now appears that the accusations against him were false, but he was forced to resign anyway. [Editors’ Note: Prosecutors determined that the legal case against Strauss-Kahn was weak, not that the accusations were false.] The other men, except Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger, have issued public apologies, and I believe it is up to God, not us, to determine their sincerity. We must heed the biblical warning against casting the first stone.
Philip Washburn
Fredericksburg, Virginia
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