Faith on the Go | Sojourners

Faith on the Go

Sometimes I feel as though I do not have time for God. In some ways, this is the legacy that has been passed on to my generation. Our mothers were the first to be identified as "supermoms" (as if their mothers took life easy). While I am grateful for the doors opened by those who came before me, to carry on their legacy means to get an education, get a job, have a family, do it all.

Faith is action. That is how I reconcile the "do it all" syndrome with my desire to maintain some connection to God, religion, and spirituality. Because while they did pass on to me a work(aholic) ethic, my parents also passed on to me a "faith ethic."

While I was growing up, faith meant more than just going to church (a practice against which I rebelled many times). Faith meant community. Faith meant a house full of people over for dinner every Sunday evening. Faith meant contributing money to send kids to camp every summer. As I strive to do it all, the "faith ethic" pervades every part of my life. It is the legacy I want most to carry on.

Of course, I would like to find more time to study the Bible, worship, pray...I would also like to find more time to sleep. Sometimes my dreams are my faith, so I feel okay about that. n

JESSICA BROWN, 25, is a second-year law student. This semester she will be teaching "Street Law" to residents of the Lorton Maximum Security Prison in Virginia.

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Sojourners Magazine November 1994
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