Employment Opportunities
La Casa de Maria y Marta, a ministry of San Antonio Mennonite Church providing opportunities for groups to serve in the city, seeks a director. The position is full-time, and salary and housing are provided. Knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required. Contact John Lichty, (210) 533-7181; lacasa602@aol.com.
Bethany Inc., a small nonprofit corporation working toward providing a safe environment for families recovering from addiction and homelessness, is seeking board members who can take the project from its developmental stages into completion. Applicants should have a background in financial oversight, public relations, or construction experience. Contact Sabrina Waiss, Bethany Inc, 2523 14th St. NW, Washington, DC 20009; (703) 519-1977.
Agape Community Center, a nonprofit community development organization in Atlanta, is seeking an executive director. Applicants should have experience in collaborative leadership, management, and fund development, and an advanced degree is preferred. An immediate response is needed. Fax rTsumTs to Search Committee, Agape Community Center, (404) 355-7442 or e-mail eve@agapecc.org. For questions call (404) 355-1877; www.trinitypcusatlanta.org.
Central College in Pella, Iowa, is seeking a full-time chaplain. Applicants are required to have a minimum of a Master of Divinity degree or equivalent and be ordained or eligible for ordination. Contact the Central College human resources office, (515) 628-5199; www.central.edu.
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