We do what we do because we want to be faithful. And we would stand out in front of the Department of Energy (DOE) on the first sweltering day of the summer to protest the Nuclear Train even if nobody else came and nobody noticed. But, let's face it, it helps when the crowd is substantial and the TV cameras show up. It helps to spread the message, to communicate the urgency of the nuclear situation.
Last June 11 was a great morning for a Peace Pentecost action. We had come to the DOE—the place that sends out the signal for the Nuclear Train to move with its cargo of nuclear warheads from Amarillo, Texas, to its various destinations—to register our protest. Spirits were high and the singing was exuberant.
The children had put together a colorful Peace Train made of wagons and strollers. A pair of railroad ties (acquired with no little trouble) lay in our midst as a sign of our connection with others around the country who vigiled that day alongside the railroad tracks that carry the Nuclear Train. At about 9 o'clock we sent forth to the front of the building the 35 people who had decided to pray at the entrance and risk arrest.
By late morning they were still standing in front of the entrance. The police made no move to start arrests. The day grew hotter. With undaunted spirits, those of us in the support vigil took turns walking to the street vendors down by the Smithsonian Institution as the day wore on to pick up drinks for many parched throats.
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