Employment Opportunities
L'Arche Chicago, a faith-based community of adults with developmental disabilities and those who assist them, seeks an executive director to communicate the spirit of L'Arche. Contact Julius Belser, (847) 328-0773.
Urban Experience seeks a director to lead youth and adults in "walking in the footsteps of the poor," guide tours through the city, and facilitate workshops on local and global poverty. Flexible hours, negotiable salary, minimum 8-10 hours per week. Contact Esther Kisamore, Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission, 29 S. Institute, Colorado Springs, CO 80903; (719) 632-6189.
Volunteer Opportunities
International Service for Peace (SIPAZ) seeks long-term volunteers to develop and support peace initiatives in Chiapas, Mexico. Qualifications include Spanish fluency, experience in political analysis, excellent communication skills, and commitment to nonviolence. Contact SIPAZ, PO Box 2415, Santa Cruz, CA 95063; (831) 425-1257; admin@sipaz.org.
The Campbell Farm, a Presbyterian retreat center and 40-acre working farm on the Yakima Reservation in central Washington, needs an individual or couple to help with the mission of the farm. Job description posted at www.nwinfo.net/~campbellfarm. Contact Sheri Noah, 2527 Campbell Road, Wapato, WA 98951; (509) 877-6413; campbellfarm@nwinfo.net.
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