It is the season aflame with the power of a living God. The triune community, or Trinity, interrupts and invades our ordinary lives right where we are. As always, we have the choice either to close our eyes and ears and ignore the holy invasion or to allow ourselves to be caught off guard and swept up in God’s mysterious transforming work of making all things new. Either way, God is set loose on the world. We are invited to join -- to participate in bringing kingdom order out of worldly chaos. Be prepared; it’s not what we expect.
This season's scriptures beautifully affirm God’s eternal love for us. The world will never be bereft of God's active and healing presence. Receiving the fullness of such a gift is dependent on understanding what it means to be God’s children and to be a church that follows a crucified Jesus, a risen Christ, and an ascended Lord.
The Holy Spirit labors the church into being and gives birth to new life in our individual bodies and in our ecclesial body. To follow Christ and to be a part of the Spirit-filled church is to immerse ourselves in the world in ways that pursue and proclaim unity and community mirrored in the triune love relationship. The psalms call us to a posture of praise in all things. Doxology is the faithful response to a creating God who makes all things new again and again.
Enuma Okoro, of Durham, North Carolina, is the author of Reluctant Pilgrim and co-author of Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.
The book of Acts begins with disciples inquiring about their own agenda, their own interpretation of what God's work entails: "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?" (1:6). Like the disciples, we are tempted continually to ask, "Lord, is this when all things work out the way we expect them to?"
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