Be Not Afraid: Catholic Views of Advanced Care Planning: Clergy and religious comment on end-of-life directives, by Miriam Schulman
The Dignity of Being Human: An exploration of Catholic approaches to artificial nutrition and hydration, by Gerald D. Coleman, SS; Margaret R. McLean; Joan Ma
The Importance of Relationships in the Case of Gabriela Rivera: A physician and president of Cross Cultural Health Care Concepts reflects on the case of a Latino family facing end-of-life decisions, by John Silva
Cultural Humility and Compassionate Presence at the End of Life: The attitude and cultural competence required for a two-way therapeutic relationship, where both patient and provider contribute, by Sylvia Austerlic
Tough Talk: Finding the Words for Living With Loss: Guidelines for discussion of end-of-life issues, Dale G. Larson
Web sites:
Supportive Care Coalition:
Santa Clara University Markkula Center:
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