Instruments of Peace
Catherine Whitmire gathers a cloud of Quaker witnesses in Practicing Peace: A Devotional Walk through the Quaker Tradition to help us live peacefully. Comprised of quotes and short reflections from Quakers across 350 years, the book's six chapters address ways to practice peace in our daily lives, in the world, in the face of evil, and in times of suffering. Each chapter ends with questions for discussion. Sorin Books
Don't Buy It
We're all shopping sinners woefully in need of deliverance, says Rev. Billy (a.k.a. actor and activist Bill Talen). His What Would Jesus Buy: Fabulous Prayers in the Face of the Shopocalypse contains sermons and exhortations to stop shopping and start believing, as well as prayers and ideas for action—all delivered with creative gusto and multiple exclamation points. Public Affairs
A Powerful Force
In Traveling with the Turtle: A Small Group Process in Women's Spirituality and Peacemaking, Cindy Preston-Pile and Irene Woodward invite women's circles to explore empowering images of the Divine and creative ways of making peace and building inclusive communities. This wise, practical book is comprised of 13 two-hour sessions; each contains an outline, with suggestions for rituals and sharing exercises, and notes for facilitators.
What is necessary? Sustaining Simplicity is Anne Basye's record of answering that question. Journal-like in its design and content, the book is composed of short reflections, photos, and bits of artwork that record her questions and challenges as she learns to live with less stuff—but more life and love. A funny and honest look at what a "good life" is really about. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
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