Employment Opportunities
A small UCC congregation in Dayton, Ohio, with a social justice mandate and an experimental style, seeks a pastor to organize a ministry to young adults currently unserved by or alienated from the church. Urban ministry experience desired. Visit http://members.aol.com/cfrnews. Contact Karen Righter Malesko, Congregation for Reconciliation, (937) 276-4077; hfox@juno.com.
Pathway Caring for Children, an agency with a 28-year-old tradition of working with families to help disadvantaged children, seeks mature couples to work with neglected, abused, and abandoned children in small group homes; each couple is responsible for four children. Full-time position includes salary, an excellent benefit package, and regular respite. Send résumé to Pathway Caring for Children, 4949 Fulton Road NW, Canton, OH 44718; (330) 493-0083; fax (330) 493-3689; personnel@pathwaycfc.org.
Columbia Road Health Services, a health clinic in Washington, D.C., seeks a nurse for its ministry to the poor and uninsured. Responsibilities include supervision and nurturing of medical assistants, patient care, laboratory services, and clinic leadership. Qualifications: RN, communication skills, compassion. Contact Susan Wallin, fax (202) 588-8101; admin@ crhs.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
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