"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor...to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor"(Luke 4:18-19)
The year of the Lord's favor,the Jubilee year, was marked by justice and mercy. Jubilee Partners, a community in Comer, Georgia, born in 1979 out of Clarence Jordan's Koinonia Partners, has been practicing such works since its founding.
Jubilee Partners has hosted 2,000 refugees from a dozen countries; resisted the violence of nuclear weapons, war taxes, and the Gulf war; and sought to be makers of peace in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and between races close to home. The forthcoming With Our Own Eyes by Don Mosley, with Joyce Hollyday (Herald Press, 1996), from which this article is adapted, tells some of the extraordinary things that can happen when ordinary people live as if their faith really mattered. - The Editors
It was early 1981. We had word that six Laotian and Hmong families would be arriving soon, but no one knew exactly when. We were holding our breaths; we didn't have enough room for all of them yet.
While the last of the Cuban refugees that we had hosted waited for their sponsorships to be confirmed, they pitched in to help us prepare for the Southeast Asians. At just the right time, the national office of the Disciples of Christ sent a crew of 17 volunteer construction workers. For three weeks in January we all worked at top speed. Together we finished two buildings and got a good start on our new school.
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