"Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another."
-1 PETER 5:5
(But then, Peter never won First Place at anything, did he? I didn't think so.)
MOSCOW. Journalists covering the recent summit between U.S. President Bill Clinton and Russian President-for-Now Boris Yeltsin expressed shock and anger after learning that most of their stories had not been published. Asked his opinion about this unprecedented break in journalistic procedure, President Clinton quickly pointed out his renewed hope for improving U.S.-Russian relations and went on to say some other stuff, too. But by then most of us had nodded off. (Compiled from wire service reports.)
Ashocking story, but true. It turns out that editors back home wisely chose to pre-empt coverage of the summit in order to report that Sojourners magazine won First Place for Humor at the recent 1995 Associated Church Press (ACP) convention.
Sojourners had never won an award for its humor column, much less from a prestigious organization like the ACP. (I used to think ACP was an oil treatment. Turns out it's a highly regarded institution with enormous perceptive capabilities. Who knew?)
Sojourners also won other ACP awards for serious writing such as poetry, features, news, and letters to the editor. Unfortunately, space limitations prohibit me from going into much detail on those. As you can see, we only have about 17 inches left in this column, hardly enough space to report adequately on the successes of my colleagues. And I don't want to give them short shrift. (They like their shrift long, waaaay longer than we have space for, I'm sorry to say.)
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