Talking Bible Dolls has released its newest product - a huggable, washable, and talking Jesus plush doll. With his fuzzy dreadlocks and satiny beard, Talking Jesus recites seven "actual scripture verses to introduce children of all ages to the wisdom of the Bible." When you squeeze his red heart, his sayings include, "I love you, and I have an exciting plan for your life" and "Your life matters so much to me." Which arent, um, exactly from the Bible. In fact, only one of Jesus messages is an actual scripture quote (John 15:12). The 12-inch Jesus is made in China and sells for $15.95. If a plush messiah doll wearing his heart on his sleeve is too touchy-feely for you, Talking Bible Dolls also makes a commandment-orating Moses - complete with unbreakable tablets.
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