I FIND THE QUESTION "Should Joe Lieberman Keep His Faith to Himself?" (by Jim Wallis, November-December 2000) to be a silly little pondering. At the very root of the question is the assumption that faith is somehow an external category that can be divided from an individual or a community without significant consequences or repercussions for the faith in and of itself. In essence, to ask the question is to suggest that faith is a nonentity that is not embodied in beings that live.
Only in Democratic liberal individualism is it possible for us to speculate that faith and life can be separated and treated within a political arena honestly. If Joe Lieberman made the ridiculous claim that his faith would not affect him, then he would not be worth listening to. Faith in and of itself requires a sense of embodiment. The real question is what has happened to the embodiment of faith.
Michael R. Bartley
Stillwater, Oklahoma
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