Bringing People Together | Sojourners

Bringing People Together


  • NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby announces openings for associates and interns in lobbying, organizing, and educating around issues such as housing, welfare reform, and economic management. Application deadline is February 15. Contact Linda Rich, NETWORK Programs, 801 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Suite 460, Washington, DC, 20003-2167; (202) 547-5556; fax (202) 547-5510.
  • A Christian community serving the needs of the mentally handicapped is in need of assistants, responsible for developing relationships, building a home, and assisting in personal care and community life. Stipend, room and board, insurance, and formation in L'Arche spirituality and mission are provided. Contact Dottie Klein, L'Arche Harbor House, 700 Arlington Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211; (904) 725-7740.
  • Exciting and educational volunteer positions are currently available in Chicago with Neon Street Center for Youth, O'Hare Airport, and the International Refugee Center. Also, the Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture needs volunteers to assist with counseling, translation, advocacy, physical therapy, ESL, and resource gathering. The center works with refugees who have experienced torture in their homelands, to empower them and help them rebuild their lives. Contact Brian Harvey at (312) 629-4500, ext. 5011.
  • The Christian Appalachian Project, a non-profit, interdenominational service organization that assists people in Appalachia to become self-sufficient, is seeking one-year and summer-camp volunteers for its programs in Eastern Kentucky. Volunteers live in community, sharing meals, prayer, and support. One-year volunteers (21 and older) receive room and board, a monthly stipend, and health insurance.

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Sojourners Magazine January-February 1996
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