Sojourners Magazine: January 2024
Amid the carnage of war, nonviolence does not become irrelevant or obsolete — it becomes more difficult, and essential. A conversation with Palestinian peacemaker Ali Abu Awwad.
An interview with Palestinian peace activist Ali Abu Awwad on nonviolent resistance.
Luke’s gospel shows Jesus learned about peace from the best.
Bodily health and the health of the earth are one and the same.
Christians must stand against the powerful momentum of war.
The message of Palestinian peacemaker Ali Abu Awwad is more crucial than ever.
Moving past capitalist aspirations to a collective imagination for flourishing.
“The majority of white worshipers walked by those windows. But Black worshipers, they knew.”
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
Dry January offers us a chance to take a break from alcohol, both for our own health and for the health of society.
The school district is back to bipartisan leadership, but exclusionary policies and white supremacy have not lost their stranglehold.
The album Unreal Unearth weaves together biblical and mythological imagery to take the listener on an epic journey.
John Allen Chau wanted to bring the gospel to North Sentinel Island. The documentary The Mission tells the story of his death and raises questions about cross-cultural evangelism.
Natasha Smith’s Can You Just Sit with Me? is a book I wish I had when I was navigating the rawest season of my own grief.
A poem.
January reflections on scripture from the Revised Common Lectionary (Cycle B)
How to make sure your bag is properly stocked for what might be your imminent death.
I’m Tired of So-Called ‘Christian’ Family Values
If we followed gospel teaching, “pro-family” wouldn’t be short for anti-women and anti-LGBTQ policies.
Pope Francis Has Your Back
The pontiff offers a climate change manifesto as the world nears its breaking point.