The Bible and the Poor | Sojourners

The Bible and the Poor


1. There are 3.5 billion people in the world. About what percentage of the world's population are Americans?
a. l%, b. 5% c. 10% d. 20%

2. About what percentage of the world's disposable resources does the U.S. consume each year?
a. 5%, b. 10%, c. 25% d. 50%

3. At the present American standard of living, how many people could the earth support?
a. .5 billion, b. 2 billion, c. 3.5 billion, d. 5 billion

4. The average annual income of each person in the U.S. is $4304 [this is figured per person and not per family). About what percentage of the world's population earn less than $1000 per year?
a. 25%, b. 40%, c. 60%, d. 85%

5. About what percentage of the world's population earn less than $100 per year?
a: 5%, b. 10%, c. 25%, d. 50%

6. The 28 "developed" nations, each with a per capita income in excess of $750, comprise 27% of the world's population. About what percentage of the world's income do they divide?
a. 40%, b. 50%, c. 65%, d. 80%

7. About what percentage of the world's income do Americans have?
a. 10%, b. 20%, c. 30%, d. 40%

8. World military expenditures (almost all in the U.S. and Russia} reached a new peak in 1970 of 204 billion dollars. This is the equivalent to the combined year's income of what percentage of the world's population?
a. 10%, b. 25%, c. 35%, d. 50%

9. Two-thirds of the world earns less than $300 per year. The U.S. spent about $20 for each American on foreign development aid. About how much per person did the U.S. spend on the military?
a. $100, b. $200, c. $300, d. $400

10. Of the 60 million deaths recorded each year, about what percentage are due to hunger or to problems arising from hunger?
a. 10%, b. 30%, c. 50%, d. 70%

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