Big Pharma’s Malpractice
The article “Lord, When Did We See You Addicted?” (by Heidi Thompson, December 2017) is insightful. The opioid epidemic was caused by us. The United States continues to send jobs overseas, to our detriment, and Purdue Pharma’s failure to publicize Oxycontin’s addictive nature is an example of the malpractice in the pharmaceutical industry. We need to demand Congress to require that opioid-producing companies must pay for opioid addicts’ recovery treatments. Communities need the ability to rebuild and establish sustainable jobs.
David Kleczek
Henderson, North Carolina
Hope Despite Heartbreak
“Lord, When Did We See You Addicted?” gave me hope and took a serious look at a problem. The news out of Ohio on this topic is so heartbreaking and alarming.
Trandice Ghajar Strausbaugh
Mililani Town, Hawaii
Contemporary Challenge
This is in response to “Lord, When Did We See You Addicted?” Thank you for shedding light on this contemporary challenge [of recovery from addiction]. Let’s remember what Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment. Love one another as I have loved you.”
Bryan Guiot
Henderson, Nevada
Thanks for the Light
In response to “Lord, When Did We See You Addicted?”: As a parent of three children with substance-use disorder, I thank you for the light.
Sue Stromquist
Duluth, Minnesota
Suppressed History
Lisa Sharon Harper’s column, “How Christians Helped Build the Confederacy” (December 2017), is important. It invites us to learn how some of us live lives of privilege and are oblivious to the pain around us. It reminds us to seek out—and shine light on—every lingering, suppressed trace of this shameful history.
Michael O’Neill
Larimer County, Colorado
The Struggle Forward
What Lisa Sharon Harper describes in “How Christians Helped Build the Confederacy” is true for Canada as well. Our churches are guilty of the genocide of First Nations people, through residential schools and ongoing systemic racism and injustice. We are struggling to find a new way forward.
Melissa Kullman
British Columbia, Canada
Morally Necessary
JoAnn Flett’s article “How to Succeed in Business” (as told to Julie Polter, December 2017) is an absolute inspiration. I received an MBA more than 30 years ago, when my professors subscribed to Milton Friedman’s theory of correct business practice: Simply and singly, maximize profits for the shareholders. If not, Friedman preached, no one will invest in business at all. This single-purposed criterion of success presupposed that shareholders (employees, consumers, suppliers, etc.) would benefit only if the owners knew they were receiving maximum returns. Flett’s analysis of shareholder vs. stakeholder, and her position that it’s possible and morally necessary to conduct business with the goal of enhancing the lives of all who are touched by that business, is most welcome to those of us who were taught otherwise.
Maggie Casciato
Bridgeport, Connecticut

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