"We have to listen and observe," notes Jennifer Hope Kottler, when writing about energy issues ("Two Ears, Two Eyes, One Voice," August 2010). "It will be then, and only then, that we will be able to discern what God and God's people are calling us to do." During the summer months, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico received front-page attention; meanwhile, heat-related deaths and hospitalizations increased in communities from Oklahoma to Maine, but that received far less attention.
The world of energy is a world of disparities. Low-income families struggle to pay their heating bills during the winter, and then they suffer through summer heat waves. The poor need an energy justice program that will provide all people, in all nations, with adequate power that is safe, affordable, and sustainable, and the poor need to be heard. Are we listening?
Robert F. Murphy
Falmouth, Massachusetts
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