Well, by now it's morning in America again. Whether the sun's coming up a Republican or a Democrat is hard for us to know here at Sojourners, since we're in that awkward election-year deadline when we write the stuff in October and you receive your copy a day after November 3. It's the lame duck column, a tough one to write since my timely, hard-hitting political commentary and the other dumb stuff may be out-of-date.
I could take a chance, of course, and pick a winner (Clinton, in overtime, by a field goal), but if I were wrong I might look bad. (Wait a minute. I look bad anyway. I've been wearing this same drab cardigan to the office every day for the last month. My favorite pastime is looking older than I really am. In high school, I was the only member of Future Senior Citizens.)
Of course, there's no possibility that Clinton will be president, what with all the criminal acts of his youth. At press time it had just been revealed that Clinton once spoke to a priest about peace. He also--and this is heinous--actually TRAVELED TO THE SOVIET UNION AS A TOURIST! Incredible.
But if George Bush is re-elected, he would probably enact the free trade agreement. And that would be bad news for some of us at Sojourners since the magazine would quickly move its operations to Mexico (cheaper art directors).
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