Sojourners' masthead has recently displayed two changes involving names that have been familiar to our readers for a longtime. Nancy McCann, our arts editor, has moved to Chicago to continue graduate work in the literary arts; and Jim Stentzel has become, by his own designation, our "editor-at-small."
Nancy McCann joined the staff of Sojourners in the fall of 1976. With her gifts and background in the literary arts, Nancy played a key role in shaping our "Critique" section, which eyes the intersection of the arts and biblical faith. The growing importance in the magazine of poetry, fiction, and film reviews attests to the value of her contribution these past four years. We miss her and all that she brought to us very much.
Jim Stentzel became part of the staff in the summer of 1977. His journalistic expertise and experience in south Korea, Japan, and the United States have given us numerous articles, editorials, and investigative reports. He was the founding editor of our "For the Record" section. Although Jim has left the staff in a full-time capacity to become a househusband, he remains a helpful resource as our roving (but not too far) editor, contributing articles and ideas.
Joe Roos was on the editorial staff at Sojourners when this article appeared.
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