Verse and Voice 09/11/23

September 11, 2023

Verse of the day

Depart from evil, and do good; so you shall abide forever.
Psalm 37:27

Voice of the day

Romans 12:21 exhorts us that rather than being overcome by evil, we should overcome evil with good. My hope and prayer is that we accomplish this not through force of arms, but by building a better world.

Simon Oh, “This Was Terror’— What I Saw on Sept. 11”

Prayer of the day

God of all people, / teach us to be patriotic, but humbly so. / Teach us to see the frailty, beauty, and value of life / in light of this tragedy / rather than using it to elevate / trivial difference to the heights of / divisive reasons for hatred.
Mark Sandlin, “A Prayer for the Anniversary of 9/11”